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Sunday, October 28, 2012

How To Win Back Woman You Love Dating - With Sugar And Spice

How To Win Back Woman You Love Dating - With Sugar And Spice

Hey guys,

Are you thinking on how to win back the woman you love dating? Still undecided?

When you decide that it's time to win back woman you love dating then you're going to have to figure out the best approach, and that can vary depending on why she left.  Did you end things and now you've come to the realization that you made a mistake and you've changed your mind? If so, that will require one type of approach. Did she leave you? Did you cheat? Did she cheat?  All of these different scenarios will require a slightly different approach to get the best results.

For the most part, if you ended things and now you are having second thoughts it's usually best to let her know that you made a mistake. There's really no reason to wait. You broke up with her, she may still love you, time to find out. Of course, be aware that you may have to do a lot of groveling and begging, but in most cases she'll be happy to take you back (assuming you weren't a huge jackass when you ended things, I pray you weren't).

If she broke up with you just because things weren't going well, then your best approach is to give her a little space and after a period of time contact her as a friend.  Try to spend time with her and have fun, remind her of the great guy she fell in love with. Don't push to get back together, take it slow. Try to forget that the two of you ever had a relationship and just act as you would when you first meet someone new.  She may find that she has missed you and this reminder of how fun you are may just be the little push she needs.

If she broke up with you because you cheated, you owe it to her to make darn sure that it won't happen again. Be warned, infidelity is very very hard to get past (just take a look at all the celebrity divorces recently) Once you've trusted someone and they've betrayed you it can be almost impossible to allow yourself to trust again. This is the hardest of all the scenarios to get over, though if handled properly you may have a chance.

If infidelity or some other form of abuse was the reason behind the breakup, you may increase your shot at a reconciliation if you attend some counseling.  Nothing will go further to show her that you are truly sorry and that you've truly changed than to go to counseling. And don't just make it a game either, if you've screwed up you should make changes, you can be a better man.  Don't just pretend that you care and that you want to change... really care and really want to change. That's all that matter to her.

So step one is to figure out why she left in the first place and then determine the best way to win back woman you love dating.  No matter what you do, make sure you keep your ego out of the mix. Be straightforward and honest and if you're not sure you can commit to her and the relationship 100%, just let her go. It would do both of you good.

These are some of the tips you can use to win back woman you love dating. I recommend before you do anything else, you might want to download and read through the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. His book have help many couples around the world get back together and it's a good resource to have. Grab yourself a copy today!

Click here to download Magic of Making Up.

To your relationship success.

P.S. Learn how to win back woman you love dating with sugar and spice. Grab a copy Magic of Making right now. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!

Friday, October 26, 2012

How To Get My Wife To Love Me Again - Relationship Advice

How To Get My Wife To Love Me Again - Relationship Advice

Hey guys,

Are you asking yourself how to get my wife to love me again?

No one wants to see their loving marriage dissolve into indifference. It can be a painful thing to watch, it can also leave you feeling utterly helpless and unable to stop it. If you just don't feel the love anymore and you want the answer to the question: how to get my wife to love me again, then there are a few things you can try. There is no guarantee it will work, sometimes by the time you ask the question it's already too late, but you've got nothing to lose by giving it a try.

Marriage can be a weird relationship. The longer the two of you are together the more comfortable you can feel with each other but at the same time there is more of a chance that the two of you will grow in different directions.  This is a very common problem and since it happens slowly, over a period of years, it can be very easy to miss the signs until it's too late.

Have You Change?

That is the first thing you should do, try to identify how you've changed since you and your wife have been together. Have the changes you've had been positive or negative? For most of us, we can say that a lot of the changes are negative. We used to have big plans, dreams and ambitions, but now we come home from work and veg out in front of the t.v. until it's time for bed. Boring. If you used to be full of hope and promise and now you seem like you've given up, you may simply not be the same man your wife originally fell in love with.

Go After Your Passions

The sad thing is that not only may your wife not feel the same way about you now, you may not feel the same way about yourself. If you've just given up on your dreams you are probably unhappy with yourself deep inside. Try to rekindle some of those passions, it will make you happier and remind your wife of the man she fell in love with all those years ago.  It's a win/ win.

Keep In Shape

Have you let yourself go?  If you used to be fit and strong but now you're more pudgy than toned, maybe you should hit the gym. It will be good for you and it might help rev up her enthusiasm a little bit too.

Treat Her As You Want Her To Treat You

Do you treat your wife the way you used to? Probably not. We can all fall into the trap of taking our partner for granted, the longer you are together the easier it is to do. She may well do the same thing to you.  Try to get back to some of the patterns of behavior you used to have in the early days of the relationship.  If you used to get her flowers every now and then 'just because' it may be time to start that tradition again.

Don't make things harder than they have to be.  The answer to the question how to get my wife to love me again, might be as simple as going back in time and acting more like the man you used to be rather than the man you've become. It might just be good for both of you.

These are some of the tips you can use if you're asking yourself how to get my wife to love me again. If you would like to read more in the subject then I recommend that you download the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson.

His book have help many couples around the world get back together and rebuild the passions in their broken relationships. Grab your copy right now!

Click here to download Magic of Making Up.

To your relationship success.

P.S. Still wondering how to get my wife to love me again? Download the book Magic of Making Up today. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

How To Get Ex Girlfriend Back Easily Tips

How To Get Ex Girlfriend Back Easily Tips

Hey guys,

How to get ex girlfriend back all depends on the circumstances. Who left who? Did she leave you? Or did you leave her? What was the reason for breaking up? How is it the romance came to a grinding halt? Why did the relationship end?And what do you want to do about it?

It's just like a doctor asking the patient several questions to pinpoint the exact cause of sickness and then he'll be able to give you the correct remedy. So, you'll have to do the same thing.

If it was she who left you, how to get ex girlfriend back is to find out what it was that she didn't like about you that caused her to break up with you. Was it because you treated her poorly? Maybe it was because you didn't deserve her or thought you didn't, so you need to make some new choices. The choices won't be simple. This is a great time to put yourself under the magnifying glass and think about the way you appear to others.

What did she complain about before she left you? Review those complaints and maybe ask others if they agree. How will you ever get ex girlfriend back if you don't want to take the extra step to get her back. The extra step to improve on not just yourself but the relationship as a whole.

Or did you leave her? Maybe you made the mistake of letting her go and you want to get her back,you just need to realize how bad you hurt her. You need to find out if she hates you because of what you did. Maybe she needs a little time away. Let her have some time alone. You shouldn't be too far away but you shouldn't stalk her either.

You need to prove to her that you made a mistake in dumping her and you won't do it again. The best way to accomplish this is to give her the space and gain her trust back slowly. You made a mistake, and as with every mistake you now have to deal with the consequence. If she's worth it to you,you'll do it.

If the relationship didn't hit it off because it dissolved, let her know you want to get back with her. She needs to know she's special and you are willing to work hard to get back with her. If she believes you and you'll work hard she may get back with you without any further convincing and she'll be back in your arms.

The best way of how to get ex girlfriend back is to be honest and open in communication, don't lie or cheat. Don't just look at her mistakes, look at yours too and do something about them. You can't change her but you can change yourself, and when you do she'll love you more and that’s how to get ex girlfriend back and resume your relationship.

These are some of the tips you can use to get ex girlfriend back but I recommend that before you do anything else, you might want to download and read through the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. His book have help many couples around the world get back together and it's a good resource to have by your side. Grab your copy right now!

Click here to download Magic of Making Up.

To your relationship success.

P.S. Learn how to get ex girlfriend back easily without damaging further your chances of getting back together. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!