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Sunday, January 27, 2013
Simple Plan For How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back You Can Follow
Simple Plan For How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back You Can Follow
Hello ladies,
Wanna learn a simple plan for how to get your ex boyfriend back you can follow right now? If you do, then continue reading..
No two ways about it, emotions run high after a break up. That's a completely natural reaction, but these emotions can work against you, especially if you are wondering how to get your ex boyfriend back. There aren't any high school classes that teach us how to handle break ups which means we often have to navigate the situation on our own; stumbling through it all and hoping we're going about it the right way. The good news is that all you really need to increase your chances of success is a simple plan like the one that follows.
Give Him Space
You need to give your ex some time and space. This has the dual effect of giving each of you a chance to calm down and collect your thoughts, as well as sending your ex boyfriend the signal that you are doing fine without him. What? That's right. Even though you may feel like a wreck without having him in your life, you have to show how much you don't need him.
Reconnect With Others
Do what you can to reconnect with any family and friends that you haven't talked to in a while. Now, you don't want to whine about everything and unload all of your problems on them. But you should certainly feel free to just talk to them and draw emotional support from them; not necessarily in a direct way, but from the fact that you have a social circle of people that care about you.
Time For Reflections
While it's not a part of the overall plan, you may wish to ask your family and friends what they saw as the downfall of your relationship. Be cautious though. If they didn't like your ex, they may place undue blame on him. On the other hand, if they did like him, they may lay more blame on you. However, you could also hear some things you weren't aware of, and will be able to fix those things.
Regardless of whether or not you ask the people you know, you have to reflect on what went wrong. You need to try to look at it as logically as possible, as though you were an outside observer.
First Contact
After taking some time away from each other and finding out what went wrong, it's time to talk to your ex. Do not make the mistake of baring all of your feelings at once. You need to keep the first conversations light and positive. Over the course of several conversations, you can start talking about what went wrong, how you plan on doing better, and the possibility of getting back together.
That's really about all there is on how to get your ex boyfriend back. However, this or any other plan is totally useless if you don't follow through on the steps. So, the choice is yours. You can read this and keep hoping, or you can actually do something to make it happen.
If you're interested to learn more tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back, I recommend that you download the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. His book have helped many couples around the world get back together and build a better relationship. Grab your copy today!
Click here to download Magic of Making Up.
To your relationship success.
P.S. Learn more tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back from T.W. Jackson, Magic of Making Up right now. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Can I Get My Ex To Love Me Again - Ever Consider This
Can I Get My Ex To Love Me Again - Ever Consider This
Hey guys,
Are you asking yourself the question: Can I get my ex to love me again? I don't want to diminish the hurt and anguish you're going through, but I wish I had a penny for every time I've heard someone ask that question. You see, it's not an uncommon problem. Sometimes we are the ones who end a relationship and then later realize that it was a mistake to let them go. Other times, it's out of our hands and someone we love has let us go. Either way, you can make things work out and have your love back with you, no matter how impossible or hopeless it may seem now.
Does She Still Love You
There is one thing you really need to consider, and that is that it's very, very likely that your ex does still love you. Love can be killed. If you treat someone bad enough, long enough the love they had for you will turn to disdain. But, in a lot of cases, that don't involve out and out abuse, but rather just a slow deterioration of the relationship where you both start to take each other for granted, the love is very likely still alive and well even though it's buried and you can't see it.
Reignite The Passion
It's in these times that it's usually the easiest to fan those flames and reignite the passion and love the two of you once felt. If you lost your love because you were abusive (physically, mentally, emotionally, or sexually) do both of you a favor and don't even consider rekindling things with your ex, or finding someone new, until you've spent some serious time with a counselor who can help you figure out why you have the need to hurt another person, especially someone who loves you.
If In Doubt, Ask
If the problems aren't quite that serious and dire, the first thing you should do is to find out what your ex does feel for you. The best way to do that is to ask. Call your ex and invite them to coffee, dinner, lunch, a walk, etc. The point is try to find an enjoyable activity that the two of you can do together that will allow you to talk.
Keep It Casual
This 'date' doesn't have to be a big deal, as a matter of fact, you're probably going to want to keep things pretty casual at this point. Just have fun. Remind your ex of what a great, fun loving person you are. They probably haven't seen that side of you for quite some time. It's hard to be happy and carefree when your relationship is on the rocks. Remind them.
The Responds
Pay attention to the way your ex responds to these glimpses of the 'old you'. Do they seem interested and engaged? If so, it's a pretty good bet that the love is still there. Do they seem indifferent and like they can't wait to get out of there? If that's the case it might just be too late and you may have to be ready to walk away.
If you and your ex have a great time, ask them if they'd like to get together again. Still keep things light and casual. Don't move too fast. Just keep reminding them, by actions and not words, of the person they fell in love with. This will basically allow the two of you to start all over and that is the answer to your question: can I get my ex to love me again?
These are some of the tips you can use if you're asking, can i get my ex to love me again. It might take some time but it's worth a try. I recommend that you download and read through the book, Magic of Making Up by T.W. Jackson.
His book have helped many couples around the world get back together and reignite the passion back in the relationships. Why wait, grab a copy today!
Click here to download Magic of Making Up.
To your relationship success.
P.S. If you're asking yourself, can i get my ex to love me again then get a copy of Magic of Making Up today. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Will She Love Me Again - Much Easier Than You Think
Will She Love Me Again - Much Easier Than You Think
Hey guys,
If you're missing your woman and thinking of wanting her back then you might want to read this article. Some quick tips before you embark on a plan to get an ex back. Read on..
Does She Still Love You
Lost your girl? Want to know "will she love me again"? I don't know, but I do know that in many cases it's not only possible to get your love back it may even be easier than you might have thought. One thing you need to consider: are you sure that she doesn't still love you? It's highly possible that she still has feelings for you but because of one thing or another she just doesn't feel comfortable showing them.
Love isn't that easy to kill. It generally either takes a lot of time or something really bad to kill a strong, deep love. Unless you've really been a jerk to your girl by treating her bad, hurting her physically or emotionally or cheating on her, there's a very good chance that she still cares and all you have to do is to remind her of that fact.
Get Help
If you treated her like crap you should seriously consider talking to someone and getting help. If you cheated on her or abused her you need to face the fact that there is something wrong... with you. Take some time to get the help you need so that you can be a decent human being. Not only will your girl be more likely to get back with you, but she will be happy she gets back with you instead of regretting her decision to take you back.
Treat Her Right
If your love has just faded because of neglect, as opposed to out right abuse, it's generally a lot easier to get it back. In many cases all that needs to be done is to spend some quality, one on one time together. This doesn't necessarily mean sexually either. A woman needs to feel like you love and appreciate her as a person, not just someone you like to fool around with.
Balance In Relationship
A healthy sex life is great, and most people (men and women) would consider it a very important part of a good relationship, but there are other ways to connect with your girl and you have to make sure you achieve balance in your relationship. Balance your sexual intimacy with your emotional intimacy (a lot of guys seem to really not get this, make sure you're not one of them).
Quality Time
Spend time doing things that are enjoyable to both of you. Things where you can not only connect with each other but also communicate with each other. Taking a nice long drive in the country where you can talk, taking a walk, playing a round of golf. Whatever. It doesn't matter what it is as long as the two of you both like to do it and you will both have a chance to talk and be 'together'. This isn't the time for group activities.
Spending time together like this is a great way to let her remember the love she once felt for you, a love that is probably still there but it just got a little buried. Don't make the mistake of thinking these times only have to be a few times a year (think birthdays and Valentines day). The two of you should spend this one on one time together at least a few times a month, if not more.
So, for those guys out there who want to know "will she love me again", just realize that it is very possible to not only get back what you've lost but to make things better than they ever were before. Man up, follow this advice and you'll make both of you very happy.
These are some of the tips you can follow if you're asking yourself, "Will she love me again". If you would like more tips then I recommend that you download the book, Magic of Making Up by T.W. Jackson. His book have help many couples around the world mend their broken relationships. Grab your copy today!
Click here to download Magic of Making Up.
To your relationship success.
P.S. Are you asking yourself, Will she love me again? Read how to get an ex back with Magic of Making Up. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!
Give her some sweetness today!
Friday, January 11, 2013
How To Save Your Marriage Quick Tips - Be A Partner
How To Save Your Marriage Quick Tips - Be A Partner
Hey guys,
Are you wondering how to save your marriage right now? How to save your broken relationship and get it back to where it once were? How to bring the passion back in your relationship?
If you really want to know how to save your marriage, you need to figure out what the heck being married is all about. Being married is not about remaining independent and doing things only for yourself. It is about sharing everything in your life with that one special person you chose to spend your life with. It's kinda common sense but most of us don't realize it.
Too often people get married and then immediately start to think they are in trouble or feel trapped and do not know how to handle these feelings. Then they start to feel guilty because they are having these feelings and mistakenly assume that when you get married you should automatically know how to be married.
If you think about it that is just the silliest thing you could do. Question: Did you know how to ride that bike before someone taught you? How about walking and talking? You had to learn that too right? So, what makes you think that you know how to be married? Who taught you how?
Oh sure, your parents can be a role model for you but if their relationship wasn't good and they didn't know how to be married, what have they taught you? Not much of anything except how to do it all wrong.
If this is the case then learning how to save your marriage is of utmost importance. Where do you start? Start by talking to each other. Remember when you first met? You used to talk about anything and everything. What happened? What changed? The only thing that changed is the fact that the two of you got married.
Why should this be a problem? You love each other right? Well, of course you do. That is never the problem. The problem is the high standards you or your partner has that neither one of you can live up to. Marriage is all about making compromises and learning to become a partnership.
The best way to become a partnership is to talk things out all the time. Do not make the mistake of assuming you know what your partner is thinking or how they will react in any given situation. Ask them. Never take them or how they feel for granted. This will only cause more problems.
If you have just recently been married and you have encountered these problems already or you have been married for several years and are old hats at these problems, you can still help yourselves and make things right. Make a commitment to each other that you both will try harder to communicate better.
I know sometimes I forget that my partner is a human being and has thoughts and feelings and perceptions of their own and that I am not the only person in the relationship. I also know that we do communicate effectively most of the time but when one of us decides we know best that makes it difficult to make decisions together especially if the one who thinks they know the best will not listen to reason.
If you love each other but do not like each other much these days, you need to start nurturing your relationship and treating each other with respect. You need to get back to the point where your relationship comes first and the two of you feel connected. Clearing up any misunderstandings and hurt feelings is good advice on how to save your marriage.
These are some of the quick tips you can use on how to save your marriage. If you want more tips then I recommend that you download the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. His book have help many couples around the world mend their broken relationships. You might want to read through his book before you do anything else. Get your copy today.
Click here to download Magic of Making Up.
To your relationship success.
P.S. Learn how to save your marriage with the book Magic of Making Up. Mend your broken relationships. Click here to download Magic of Making up!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Learn Ways To Save A Marriage - Before It Gets Out Of Control
Learn Ways To Save A Marriage - Before It Gets Out Of Control
Hey guys,
Are you trying to think of ways to save a marriage? Ways to save your marriage maybe? Here are some tips that you can follow.
Regain Control
What are some ways to save a marriage? If your relationship has gotten totally out of control, the first thing to do is regain that control. The only way you will be able to make the relationship work is if everything stays calm, cool, and collected. Keeping your heads in times of difficulty is key to keeping the lines of communication open. As soon as communication breaks down then everything is lost and you will pay dearly to get it back.
Finding The Roots Of Problem
The first thing you need to do is figure out what the heck is going on. Find the roots and cause of the problem. As soon as you do that then you can figure out how to fix it. What do the two of you fight about all the time? Money? Money is the number one reason people fight and marriages end.
When you first meet and are falling in love, everything is wonderful. It seems as if the two of you were made for each other and you decide to get married. After the wedding you try to combine your lives into one and unless you both learn to compromise, this is where resentments and misunderstandings can start to creep in.
Then what happens? Life comes front and center and instead of spending all your time together just being in love, you have to deal with work, the bills, the kids, the house and the yard and all of a sudden there is no time for the two of you. You barely kiss goodnight before falling into a fitful sleep that does nothing to relieve the exhaustion that you feel.
Fixing The Problem
Some ways to save a marriage include making time for the two of you at least once a week. Plan a date night every week and do not let anything get in the way. Ask grandma and grandpa to watch the kids and go to dinner and a movie or spend the night in a hotel room and just reconnect. Order room service and have your dinner in bed. Leave the TV off and only call once to check in with the kids, then turn the phone off. Get a real good dose of each other so when you have to face reality again the next day you will be fortified against the world and it's perils.
If money is a real problem, figure out how to bring more money in or figure out how to spend less. Cut out unnecessary items and buy only what you need. As soon as you get your feet back underneath you the sooner you can relax and stop worrying about money all the time. Try to stay positive and positive things will happen. Small changes can make big differences in your day to day lives.
If you find that these things are still ineffective then by all means see a counselor. The love you have for each other is worth it and a good counselor can shed some new light on your relationship and help you breathe new life into it. Seeing a counselor can be one of the ways to save a marriage.
If you would like to read more ways to save a marriage, then I recommend that you download and read through the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. His book have help fixed many broken relationships around the world and it's a good book to have. Get your copy today!
Click here to download Magic of Making Up.
To your relationship success.
P.S. Learn ways to save a marriage today. Learn ways to save a marriage with Magic of Making Up. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!
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