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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Do All Cheating Men Leave? The answer is..

Do All Cheating Men Leave? The answer is...

Hello ladies,

Do all cheating men leave? Not, unless you want him to - really badly. There's a reason why they did it in the first place and, unless you do something about it, your relationship or marriage would never be the same again.

When your husband cheats, it does a real number on your self-esteem. Even worse, it undermines your faith in your husband and the love he has for you. That probably wasn't his intention when he made the decision to cheat. It's just another byproduct of the act. But, does his cheating mean he's actually thinking about leaving? The good news is probably not. In fact, leaving has probably never even crossed his mind.

Here are a few of the reasons why leaving is rarely the end game when men cheat.

If he Wanted to Leave he Would Have Left Before he Cheated

Seriously, if that was his ultimate goal, he doesn't need to go through the act of cheating and the emotional fallout that comes along as a result. Chances are he never thought he would get caught. Quite often he's riddled with guilt in the aftermath and has no intention of cheating again. Sometimes, it's a relationship on the side though. Not one he wants instead of his relationship with you, but one that he enjoys in addition to the one he has with you.

It's his way of having his cake and having another one on the side. The one on the side is nice for brief periods of time, but not one worth risking his family and life at home in order to have full time.

He's Probably Not Thinking about You at All

Truthfully speaking, if he WAS thinking about you, he probably wouldn't have cheated in the first place. Thinking isn't high on the priority list when cheating takes place. For men, it goes back to primitive man when populating the planet was the genetic directive. This was back in the day when men had many wives and mortality rates were high for women, infants, and children.

That doesn't excuse his bad behavior. It's just trying to give you a little bit of insight into what's going on in his mind when the cheating takes place (not much of anything). The good news is that he isn't trying to hurt you, break your heart, or leave you behind.

Despite what you've heard about cheating and working things out, it is a difficult thing for most marriages to recover from. Your reaction is just as important as him making a conscious and dedicated to decision to do whatever it takes to restore the broken trust in the relationship. Once, you understand that it isn't about you at all, you can begin to rebuild and redefine your marriage. Only then, can you move forward and hope to save your marriage in the long run -- something both of you probably want to do.

These are some of the reasons, why men cheat and why they probably won't be thinking about leaving the relationship or marriage. If you want to read more on how to fixed a broken relationship or marriage, then I suggest you download and read through the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. His book have helped many couples around the world fixed their broken relationships and it could help yours too. Get your copy right now before it's too late!

Click here to download Magic of Making Up.

To your relationship success.

P.S. Do all cheating men leave and can you save your broken relationship or marriage? Grab yours now. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Want to Get Your Ex Back? Try This quick!

Want to Get Your Ex Back? Try This quick!

Hey guys,

Want to get your ex back but don't know how to? If you're really sure, you want your ex back, you might want to read through these few quick tips that you can try below. It might seem a little un-conventional but you won't know if it works, unless you try. So, have a read!

Movies and romance novels make it look so easy to get your ex back. We all understand that love goes wrong sometimes. But, if you really want to turn the tide for your relationship, you might have to switch up tactics a little bit and try something new and different. Don't let cheesy romantic movies and novels that are fantasy filled ruin your chances. Instead, take a moment to sneak a peek at real advice that gets real results.

Walk Away - And Don't Look Back

I'm not saying you shouldn't entertain the idea of getting back together with your ex or that you should even give up hope that you'll be able to accomplish your mission. However, you want to make your ex believe that you've given up -- that you aren't trying to fix things anymore.


Because that's really the only way your ex is going to recognize what it means to be alone. As long as you keep coming around or trying to make things right, your ex has the pleasure of your company and the certainty of your support. Walk away. Go through the motions of moving on with your life and let your ex see what life is like without you in it. More importantly, let your ex wonder who you're spending your time with now.

Start Investing in Yourself

During a relationship, people often spend so much time focused on the other person that you ignore the things you want or need. Now is the perfect opportunity to put a little time and attention to fulfilling your own wishes and needs whether they are educational, financial, career-related, or physical in nature. Put yourself first for a change and enjoy a return on investment that involves self-confidence, self-value, and a renewed sense of self-worth.

What most people don't realize is that this is a critical component of getting an ex back. When you start taking care of yourself and putting yourself first for a change, there are often visible changes the world will notice. Word travels quickly in some circles and your ex, unless he or she has relocated to a rock on Mars, is likely to hear about all the changes going on with you. Your ex is bound to be curious and curiosity usually works in your favor at times like these.

But, don't take the call, answer the email, or agree to meet your ex until you have a solid strategy in place to make the most of this meeting. Without the right plan in hand, you can undo all your hard work in one single phone call, conversation, or meeting.

These tips might seem simple but it's pretty powerful and if you work it right, you might find yourself together again with your ex. If you would like to read up more practical tips to get your ex back, then I suggest you download and read through the book, Magic of Making Up by T.W. Jackson. His book have help many couples around the world get back together and it might work for you too. Grab your copy right now!

Click here to download Magic of Making Up.

To your relationship success.

P.S. Want to get your ex back? Learn more practical tips to get an ex back right now before it's too late. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!

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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Great Date Night Movies for Romance - Advice On Love

Great Date Night Movies for Romance - Advice On Love

Hey guys,

Here's a little advice on love and building a better relationship. Sometime, a relationship need some maintenance and what better then to spend the night together watching great movies that both of you loved?

While movies are not always the perfect date night choice, sometimes, when life is hectic, the DVD player and take-out from your favorite restaurant hits the spot quite nicely. Of course, you have to have the right date night movies to set the proper tone. Rather than going out and getting the latest Redbox blockbuster, consider these old standards instead.

Dangerous Liaisons

What movie offers more for a date night movie fest. Seduction. Intrigue. Scandal. It's all in there and more. The acting is superb. The film is engrossing. The time period is far removed from the every day. It's a great escape film the two of you can enjoy together - time and time again if necessary.


You'll have a hard time finding a better date night movie than one that will have her literally jumping into your lap. This film has all that and more. Adrenaline is a standard while watching the film that is well acted and features characters that are engrossing to say the least. After the film is over you can have a lot of fun staying up all night together because, really, who can sleep after watching that?

The Tourist

Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie. Need anyone say more? This movie is filled with twists, turns, and misdirection. Once you know how the story ends, it's worth going back and watching again to look for hints and clues. Great date night fun for a film that's hard to grow tired of.

The Blindside

This one is a "bring the box of Kleenex" film. While the story itself isn't sad, it is, at the very least poignant. This makes it a sure hit with ladies for date night and the combination of Sandra Bullock and football make it a great choice for the guys as well. The fact that it's based on a true story makes it all the more touching and a great night to have her feeling emotional and romantic.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Another great Angelina Jolie flick, this one also stars Brad Pitt. The movie itself is action packed and full of not-so-passive aggression. If only all couples could work out their marital difficulties so easily. It certainly will help you both appreciate the normalcy of your lives together.

Date night will never be a complete and total dud if you load up your DVD with any one of these great date night movie. Just remember that the purpose of date night is to spend time together so choose movies you're both likely to have at least some interest in watching.

Setting aside, some quality time spend together are advice that you can use to put back passion into a relationship. If you're looking for a great book to read up and share on relationship, then I suggest you download and read through the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. 

His book have helped many couples around the world improved their relationship with simple practical tips you can follow. Download you copy right now!

To your relationship success.

P.S. More advice on love and getting passion back into your relationship. Grab your copy today. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Why Doesn't He Love Me Anymore - Wanna know why?

Why Doesn't He Love Me Anymore - Wanna know why?

Hello ladies,

If you're asking yourself, "Why doesn't he love me anymore?" Then, you might want to read through this article to found out some of the reasons why. Much of the problem is pretty obvious, but because we didn't think much about it, we deem it un-important. The fact of the matter is, sometime, smaller things do have impact on our life. Continue, reading below if you want to save your relationship before it's too late!

It takes time to fall in love -- and to fall out of it.

The feeling of falling out of love isn't a pleasant one by any stretch of the imagination -- especially when you're on the receiving end. You're left to wonder what went wrong, whether it was your fault, and if there's anything you can do to change things. The good news for you is that most people don't simply turn love on and off like a light switch. It takes time to fall in love -- and to fall out of it. That means he probably isn't quite there yet. And a little bit of love is all you need as a foundation upon which you can build a once in a lifetime kind of love.

But, knowing that doesn't fix the problem in your relationship. What you need is a plan of action that's sure to SOLVE the problem.

Your immediate problem is that he isn't FEELING the love right now. The solution is simple. You need to make him feel the love again. Of course, from where you sit, reading this, it doesn't seem all that simple. Consider making these moves to see what a difference they make in how he feels about you.

1) Start Dressing to Impress

While the best relationships aren't based on looks alone, it never hurts for your man to see you making an effort to look good for him. Wear the clothes he likes to see you wearing, fix up your hair, apply a few strategic cosmetics, etc. You may even consider professional waxing services.

These moves won't necessarily have him feeling the love for you again, but they will certainly get his attention. Once you have his attention, it's time to make your next move.

2) Change the Way YOU Show Your Love for Him

Men and women express love and feel loved in different ways. While stereotypes aren't always helpful, it does help to understand that there are fundamental differences. Men feel and show love through physical acts. Not all of them are sexual. Sometimes, it's little things like making sure the oil is changed in your car or mowing the lawn week after week. At other times it is more personal, such as a protective hand on your back in public, a steadying arm as you climb steps together, or intimate acts that are the ultimate expression of love for the average man.

Women express love differently. The expressions are often verbal or service oriented. Taking care of the household, preparing meals, and other domestic tasks are prime examples. Women are also much more likely to use words to express your love. If you want him to feel love you must watch the words you use at all times. Words that criticize, confront, or disrespect tear down the love he's building while words that edify, respect, and show deep admiration and loyalty build up the love. Physical acts, such as touching and other acts of service are also excellent choices because they show him YOUR love in HIS language.

Keep these things in mind and you'll never need to ask, "Why doesn't he love me anymore?" again. He'll be feeling the love and showing you more than a little love in return. If you would like to read more tips on how to save your relationship or marriage, then I recommend that you download and read through the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. His book have help saved many relationships around the world and it's full of tips you can use right now!

Click here to download Magic of Making Up.

To your relationship success.

P.S. Are you asking yourself, why he doesn't love me anymore? Save your relationship. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Signs She's Thinking About Leaving and How to Make Her Love You Again

2 Signs She's Thinking About Leaving and How to Make Her Love You Again

Hey guys,

Let me ask you a question - Do you know the signs she's thinking about leaving and how to make her love you again? If you're wondering, then stop whatever you're doing right now and read through this article. It might save your relationship!

No man wants to entertain the possibility that the object of his affections is considering walking away. However, it's a worry that comes into most relationships at one point or another. Before you jump the gun though, and make assumptions that simply aren't true, it's a good idea to explore these signs she's got leaving on her mind and what you can do to make her love you again.

Sign #1 - She's Working Extra Hours

According to a recent Daily Mail UK article, a wife who's suddenly working extra hours, may be thinking about leaving. Many women often see extra hours of work as a type of insurance that they'll be financially able to survive the burden of single living when they do leave the relationship. Ironically, the extra hours worked in the office, did not equate to a more equitable share of household duties, responsibilities, and child rearing.

What can you do to make her love you again if she's working late? Perhaps now is the time to roll out the red carpet and show her what she'll be missing if she does walk away. While you don't have to do it all, make her feel that her extra hours are noticed and that you appreciate the effort she's making on behalf of the family. Pitch in around the house a little bit. Offer her a "night off" during the week. Or simply offer her a back massage - no strings attached (unless she makes the first move). Little things are often what makes or breaks a marriage. Make them work in your favor for a change.

Sign #2 - She's Stopped Nagging

While most men initially want to shot joyous expressions from the mountaintops, if your wife suddenly stops nagging, it may not be good news for your marriage. The average male hates few things more than he hates being nagged. It's like getting a running dialog of how you're not measuring up to your wife's expectations. It leaves you feeling angry and small (and not at all inclined to do the deed being requested -- EVER).

Most of the time, you even tune out the nagging completely. If it sounds like your wife's about to start nagging her monologue begins to take on the intonations of the teacher from Charlie Brown cartoons. So it may even take you a while to notice that she's stopped asking/nagging you to do anything. Once you do, you may feel a moment of relief and even excitement that she's finally gotten the message. The problem with that though, is that most of the time it isn't the message you wanted her to get.

Quite often, for women, the decision to quit "nagging" is one that's only made once she's given up on rescuing the relationship. It means that she's not going to try anymore. It's a good sign that leaving is very much on her mind.

What can you do when this is the case? You might have to do something totally out of character to win your wife's affection once again. You need to start by talking to each other. She feels unimportant to you because you're not taking an interest in the things she asks you to do. You feel "put upon" or put down by her because she keeps asking you to do something you do not want to do. Somewhere in the middle is a solution that will work for both of you. But, no one is going to find it if you keep ignoring the problem that's ripping your marriage to shreds.

Sometimes the answers aren't as easy as making her fall in love with you again. Love, after all, isn't always the problem in divorce or breakups. The key is to have those conversations before things get out of hand and leaving is a card she's thinking about playing.

These are the signs that you might notice from your partner and it's always good to act early. If you would like to read more on how to make her love you again, then you might want to grab a copy of the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. His book have helped many couples around the world build a better relationship and it's full of practical tips you can use. You can download a copy right now by clicking the link below. Check it out!

Click here to download Magic of Making Up.

To your relationship success.

P.S. Looking for sings she's thinking about leaving and how to make her love you again? Grab a copy now! Click here to download Magic of Making Up!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Money Financial Matters - Spending Your Way to a Breakup?

Money Financial Matters - Spending Your Way to a Breakup?

Hey guys,

Could you be spending your way to a breakup? Money problems in marriage? Money, makes the world go round. Sometime, financial can make or break your relationship. So, you might want to read through these few tips to avoid making some common mistakes most couples do.

The number one cause of breakups and divorces around the world isn't what most people think it is. It isn't infidelity, in spite of the high number of people in relationships admitting to cheating. Instead, it is arguments over money. If spending is a problem in your relationship, then it's time to make serious changes or risk losing the love that's so important to you.

Do You Have Arguments over Your Spending?

There are plenty of things to argue about in relationships today. Most couples don't need any help finding a few meaty bones of contention. However, arguments over money and the financial foundation of the relationship and/or family tend to be some of the weightiest arguments couples today can have. Before you head on over to Divorce Court or book your stay at Heartbreak Hotel, however, it's a good idea to try a few simple strategies to keep your arguments over spending from becoming harbingers of doom for your relationship.

1) Focus on a Solution to Your Spending Dilemma. Instead of feeling guilty, angry, or putout; seek solutions that leave you both feeling as though your voice is being heard and your needs are being met. The key is to come up with those solutions together.

2) Create a Family Budget. Whether yours is a family of two or there are children involved in the relationship, there needs to be a budget that covers everyone as much as possible and leaves everyone with a little money to spend on whatever floats your boat. The secret to success is to keep the purchases small so they can continue and avoid purchases that will unseat the budget for necessities within the month.

3) Keep Separate Accounts. It's one thing to have a joint account for the monthly bills. However, both of you need private money to spend. The best way to do this is to have both of you contributing to the monthly bills and savings from your own accounts and then each of you having a little bit left over at the end of the bills to devote to your own pleasure.

4) Get Help if Spending is Becoming too Big to Handle on Your Own. Some spending issues are simply symptoms of a bigger overall problem. It could be compulsive spending or even a shopping addiction that fills a very real emotional void. If spending is beginning to cause problems with other relationships in your life, then it's time to get help so you can move on to a more normal life than you've experienced in the past.

Spending can be a real problem for relationships -- especially if it's ignored. The problem with spending becoming a problem is that it will never get fixed if it isn't seen for the problem that it is and addressed as a problem and not a minor annoyance.

These are some of the few tips you can follow for a better marriage money issues-less relationship. If you're interested to read more practical tips on getting an ex back or mend a broken relationship, then I recommend that you download and read through the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. His book have help many couples around the world with broken relationships and it's a good handy book to have. Grab your copy right now!

Click here to download Magic of Making Up.

To your relationship success.

P.S. Are you spending your way to a breakup? Learn how to get an ex back or build a better relationship. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!