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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Are Your Friends Poison to Your Relationship With Him - Really?

Are Your Friends Poison to Your Relationship - Really?

Hey guys,

Are your friends really poison to your relationship? An interesting question. And, the answer is...

Sometimes, friends CAN get in the way of your relationship in a really big and lethal way. It's hard to find balance between life, love, family, and friends. Everyone wants a little bit of your time.

You must work to find that perfect balance without inadvertently placing your relationship on the back burner. Keeping a safe line of demarcation between friends and your lover, can be a crucial secret for long-term success in your relationship and/or marriage. These small changes will make a big difference.

Take note of these 3 tips below that could actually save your relationship.

Tips no. 1 - Stop Telling Your Best Friend Everything

While she is your best friend and you want to share the ups and downs of your life with her, the truth is that she doesn't love your man -- but she does love you. She's going to hold a grudge against him for the things you've told her long after you've kissed, made up, forgiven, and forgotten.

She's going to still be hopping mad at him for some slight that's old news and completely gone with the wind as far as you're concerned. She's going to remind you, constantly about how he isn't good enough for you, doesn't deserve you, and isn't treating you right. The problem is you're eventually going to begin believing her and start carrying grudges of your own.

Tips no. 2 - Put Your Friend after Your Partner

It's true that your friend may have been there for you long before your partner. However, that doesn't change the fact that he needs to come before your friends if you're going to have a successful and long-lasting relationship.

Your relationship needs to be a priority in your life not some afterthought that gets the leftover attention after everyone and everything else has had its share. It's hard to make time for everyone on your list of people to see, but sometimes it's necessary.

Tips no.3 - Show Loyalty to Your Man

If you really want to make a favorable impression with your friend and the man you love, be loyal to him. Don't talk about the negatives around other people. Discuss any problems you have with him and present a wall of solidarity and support to the world. You'll never know how much of a difference it makes to him and how he feels about your relationship.

Incorporate these small changes into your relationship and see for yourself what a difference they make. You'll be surprised at how noticeable the changes in warmth, love, and affection are in the aftermath of a few small adjustments like these.

If you would like to read more on how to improve your relationship, I suggest that you download the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. His book have help many couples around the world saved their relationships and it could help in yours too. Grab a copy right now!

To your relationship success.

P.S. Learn how to save or improve your relationship before it's too late. Grab your copy now! Click here to download Magic of Making Up!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Save Your Marriage After Your Husband Cheats - Is it Possible?

Save Your Marriage After Your Husband Cheats - Is it Possible?

Hello ladies,

Are you asking yourself, is it possible to save your marriage after your husband cheats? The answer, really depend on you.

For some women, a cheating husband is a major line in the sand. It's a breach of trust and a betrayal of love so egregious that she cannot move beyond. This is the one "crime" against marriage that many women cannot forgive or forget. However, there are a growing number of women in the world who believe that marriages should be strong enough to weather the many storms life throws their way -- including the category five hurricane we call adultery. But there are a few things you need to know before you try to make it work.

Read through this tips before you do anything else that might jeopardize your chances of saving your marriage.

Don't Offer a Free Pass

Even if you plan to forget and move on, you must not give your husband a "get out of jail free" card when it comes to cheating. He needs to understand that there are consequences and that this is not behavior you're willing to tolerate. Establish ground rules for now and in the future and let him know that this is a one-shot deal. The affair must end if there is any hope for the marriage to be saved.

Don't Ask Questions You Don't NEED (Really Need) the Answers To

You can sink the knife even deeper into your heart by asking for all the gory details or you can decide that it's not important to know the intimate details of his adultery and move on from there. For most women, not knowing is ultimately better. You're not left rehashing the details over and over again in your mind. Your efforts are better spent looking to the future and working to put this part of the past as far behind you as possible.

Don't Allow His Bad Behavior to Undermine Your Confidence

Invariably women blame themselves for their cheating husbands. He's the one who did the deed. It's not about more sex. It's not about a thinner waistline, larger cup sizes, or even a broader understanding. No matter what kinds of excuses men make for their cheating ways it isn't your fault that he cheated. You can beat yourself up with what you could have, would have, or wish you had done differently but none of those things are likely to have changed the outcome. What you need to focus on now is what you can do in the future so that it doesn't happen again.

The big question you must answer right now, though, is whether or not you really want to make it work. Some women can move past cheating while others cannot. It's better to decide now than to send him backing or walk away only to regret the decision later. Think before you react. If it takes a little time, then take the time you need to sort out how you feel and where you want to go from here.

These are some of the few tips you can follow to save your marriage. If you would like to read and learn more, then I suggest you download the book, Magic of Making Up by T.W. Jackson. His book have saved many couples relationships and its full of practical tips you can use. Grab a copy right now!

Click here to download Magic of Making Up.

To your relationship success.

P.S. Learn how to save your marriage and broken relationships before it's too late! Click here to download Magic of Making Up!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Having Trouble Getting Your Ex Back? Let's Try This Instead

Having Trouble Getting Your Ex Back? Let's Try This Instead

Hey guys,

Are you having trouble getting your ex back? If you haven't tried these tips yet, then you should. It might surprise you though of how un-conventional these methods are to get your ex back. But, read and learn!

Wise people say that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. So many people, in the aftermath of an unexpected and/or unwanted breakup, find themselves falling into patterns of insanity while trying to get their exes back.

Here's some pointers to take note of, for you heart breaks out there.

It's quite common.

Your heart is screaming so loud that it drowns out the things your brain is trying to tell you. The one thing your heart knows for sure is that it wants to stop HURTING.

It knows that the breakup is the source of the pain and it wants to fix it. NOW! The thing is, your heart says crazy things, such as: apologize, beg, and bargain. These are the things that will do far more to harm your cause than to see it through.

Instead of repeating all the things that aren't working, let's try a different tactic this time around. Let's go for different results. Here's what you need to do instead.

Agree with Your Ex

Want to stop an argument dead in its tracks? Agree with the arguer. First of all, it's a shocking experience. There have probably been many times in the course of your relationship together that you've continued an argument you'd known you were losing just because you weren't ready to admit defeat. We've all done it.

Stopping the argument is one thing. It's a grudging acceptance, but one your ex can mentally process. However, AGREEING with your ex is a new tactic that will leave your ex reeling.

More importantly, it will leave your ex thinking of you in an intrigued and perplexed way. Your ex thinks he or she already knows what's coming next. Agreeing throws them off balance and reveals that you do, in fact, still have a few tricks up your sleeve.

Stop Trying so Hard

I'm not advocating giving up. I'm not even telling you that you shouldn't try to get your ex back. I'm telling you stop working so HARD. You need to work SMARTER; not harder. The direct approach isn't going to work in the days and short weeks following your breakup. You're going to need to do your best work behind the scenes if you really want to get your ex's attention.

Begin with what you know about your ex. How did you win his or her heart in the first place? What is it about you that your ex has claimed to love the most? Identify that. Understand it and save it for later.

Next you need to identify where the problems started. Was there a specific event, argument, or misunderstanding that began a downward spiral for your relationship? What could you do now that would tip the scales once again in your favor? Now is the time for thinking and not the time for action.

Do you need help coming up with the exact plan of action or working out the timing of putting your plan into motion? More importantly, do you have a plan for what comes next? Once you get your ex back, you need to know what it's going to take to keep your relationship on a more even path in the future. Let me help you with that and so much more. I suggest, before you do anything else that might jeopardize your chance of getting your ex back to download and read through the book, "Magic of Making Up" by T.W. Jackson. His book have helped many couples from 75 countries world wide get back together. Grab your copy right now!

Click here to download Magic of Making Up.

To your relationship success.

P.S. Having trouble getting your ex back? More practical tips you can use right now with Magic of Making Up. Click here to download Magic of Making Up!

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