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Friday, March 4, 2011

Healing after breakup - Feel Like You Just Got hit by a bus?

Healing after breakup - Feel Like You Just Got hit by a bus?

Hey guys,

Normally after a fracture, healing is never easy.

Sometimes the end of a relationship hits you like a bus. You never see it coming. Other times the warning signs are clear as day, but you never seem to see them until it's too late.

Regardless, you still have time to begin the healing process and get back your ex - if you choose to do so.

First step to healing after breakup.

Don't keep hanging on to something that's dangling by a thread. Cut the thread and start with a new one. Otherwise, your relationship will continue to teeter on the edge of destruction. Just accept the end of the relationship and give your ex space and time away from you.

Break off contact for a while. No Text. No phone calls. No e-mail. No midnight drives over to their apartment (absolutely no stalking!). In fact, just enjoy the free time you've got with yourself now and get out of their life so they know what it means to lose you. Give them the 'gift' of missing you!

Next, no matter how hurt you are, don't seek revenge. It will always comes back to bite you in the ass!

Obvious revenge is taking a set of car keys and scratching the side of your ex's car or slicing their tires. A more subtle kind of revenge says mean things about them to get them down, or talking to others about them behind their backs. (Note: I'm not giving you tips you can exact revenge here. LoL!)

It could be hard to control your emotion after a breakup. I know. Once, I post on a chat room how I was going to go after another girl just to try make my ex-gf jealous. She actually ask about it after we get back together.

Don't stoop to such a low level on either account unless you have no intention of ever getting back together. Relax and do something fun. There's no strings attached for the time being so do something you love that you never got to do when you were in the relationship.

Just because you're heartbroken, does not mean you let your mind turns to depression.

Being sad and lonely won't help bring your ex back, so why feel miserable? Now is your chance to call your own shots and do whatever you want to do. Take advantage of that. Besides, your ex would have wants to fall back in love with the happy, fun you, not the miserable, depressed, angry you.

Finally, take responsibility.

Don't focus on all the things your partner did wrong in the relationship. Instead, find the things you could do better and strive to become a better person. Don't point fingers. Don't blame your ex.

When you take responsibility and take the lead in figuring out what went wrong and work on improving yourself, then your ex will follow. Remember, after a fracture, healing involves stay positive and realize no one will ever be perfect, but you can always try to be perfect. A breakup doesn't have to be the end of the world.

To learn more steps and start immediately the process of healing after breakup go here >>

Click here to start healing after breakup!

To your relationship success!

P.S. Read through this website and see how you can start the process of healing after a breakup and even improve on your relationship sooner rather then later!

Click here for a step-by-step healing after breakup healing after breakup, how to heal from a divorce, ways to heal a broken heart, best way to heal a broken heart, advice heal broken heart, steps to healing a broken heart, how to heal from a break up and more!

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