Hello guys,
"I Wanted To Strangle My Husband Ray When I Caught Him Red-Handed In An Affair"
"I Felt So Devastated, Enraged and Humiliated. I Never Dreamed I Could Save My Marriage, Let Alone Trust Him Again..." - Kathie Brown
Is this you?
Most of you will worry when your spouse have an affair: What caused the affair? What did your spouse do with that other person? How do I get rid of the images of my spouse and him/her? What to tell friends? What is going to happen in the future and most important of all, how will the children manage?
Most of you would very much want to learn how to cope with the emotional pain from an affair, survive the affair, rebuild relationship and rebuild trust after an affair so you can becomes a stronger person.
There are some good online resources to get the benefits of survival in an affair of marriage all over the internet. Many Blogs have great content on surviving an affair in marriage and much more too.
You can also find programs that provide individual support online that are really top-notch. These Therapist have used the same successful methods in real life that you'll be getting in the online program. Anyway, here's some key benefits on surviving infidelity and affair in marriage.
5 key benefits on surviving infidelity and affair in marriage.
1. The most important benefit to surviving an affair in marriage is being able to manage your painful emotions. Your whole system of right and wrong was turned upside-down when your spouse cheated. Understand the process by the management of painful emotions, why things happened, and decisions on the way forward to a stronger person at the end.
2. One of the most important benefits of surviving an affair in marriage is becoming a stronger person. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger is true here.
3. You get the knowledge to a climate that fosters an affair and how it can be avoided; infidelity in the future, no matter where you are until the end.
4. Another important benefit to surviving an affair in marriage is regaining your self-respect. The impact of your cheating spouse has you vulnerable and feeling insecure. Once you repair the damage you will be your old self again, and even more self reliant.
5. Rebuilding trust after an affair and healing after the affair. One thing for sure, before he/she was afraid to tell you what happened. Truth is he/she might have tried but are afraid how upset you would get by telling you. By letting them know you're willing to listen and control your emotion, it could help you both in the process of rebuilding trust after an affair and start the healing.
You will also be able to tell your kids what they need to know as well as friends and family. You will learn from all this that your spouses infidelity was about his/her bad choices and not something you did, but it may be up to you to prevent the types of atmospheres that promoted infidelity in your marriage - ever again.
If you want more help on surviving infidelity and affair in marriage then check out Dr. Frank Gunzburg Step-by-Step System For Saving Your Relationship After It's Been Shattered By An Affair.
Click here to check out his program:
Testimonials from those surviving an affair using Dr. Frank Gunzburg Step-by-Step System:
These are real testimonies, from real people that have gone through his system. They cover everything from repairing their emotions to rebuilding the trust back into their marriage. Please go through them and experience the kind of transformation that is possible with his system.
"I learned how to start trusting my wife again."
"You are a big help! You taught me how to take my wife's reassurance at face value and quit doubting her sincerity. After doing that I learned how to start trusting my wife again."
David Woodmansee
Moore, OK
"...we are starting over with a clean slate"
I have been working for a long time trying to rebuild trust with my husband after his affair. He felt that just because he was sorry and wanted to work it out that I should IMMEDIATELY trust him again and stopped talking about the affair.
However I still had questions that were haunting me and could not move forward. Once he read your section on how to rebuild the trust, he understood more about what I needed from him!
It is amazing that some of the things mentioned in your section are exactly what I wanted to happen. Of course when I said it, he didn't give much thought to it but I guess seeing it in writing from an actual author made it real.
After reading just this one section and understanding what I needed from him my husband agreed to answer ANY question in regards to his affair that I had. Believe me it wasn't easy for either one of us to actually have to tell the truth about what happened on his part and for me to hear it. But now for the first time I honestly feel like we are starting over with a clean slate.
Thank you Dr. Gunzburg!"
Nicole Williams
Oceanside, CA
"I feel more secure and feel that I can begin to trust him again."
"Building trust has been the biggest challenge for us and at times appeared to be impossible. The tips that you provided have been great because it has made my spouse understand my feeling s and needs better and I feel more secure and feel that I can begin to trust him again. Thanks!"
Lylla Childress
Cary, NY
Click here to get into his program.
To your marriage success.
P.S. Get A Step-by-Step System For Saving Your Relationship After It's Been Shattered By An Affair - Dr. Frank Gunzburg. You still got the chance to save your relationship and marriage! Click here to get into the program now!
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