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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Top 5 Flirting Tips For Men - Flirting Tips - Perfect for SMS

Top 5 Flirting Tips For Men - Flirting Tips - Perfect for SMS

Hey guys,

The importance of flirting has increased over the last 2 years. If you go back in history, you can quickly see the evolution of flirting why it plays an integral part in today's society. Before, the 19th Century, being single was a sign of laziness. Therefore, the people would get married, then later fall in love.

In the 19th century, men and women took control and romantic love became first priority. For some time, relationships were driven by their school years and the average marriage age was about 20.

Around the 1950's, all hell broke loose to the system of courtship. Men and women began to flirt, to pursue higher education and work and the need to begin to be introduced.

Around the 1980's, a man's success started to greatly rely upon his ability to flirt with women. And as in the 20th century rolled around, flirting has become an important part in courtship, el important to know, how to flirt become indispensable.

It is necessary to know how to flirt and to know the latest flirting tips. Men and women took on new challenges, and for decades after this reform, Women had to learn how to look sexy and weed out the uninteresting men. The fear of rejection became very real.

Now it is clear to see that men who flirt with women know how to succeed and those who want to take the effort to achieve what they can.

The first thing you need to know is that flirting is something learned and no one is born with a natural ability to flirt. Each person had to learn how to do it - and do it well.

Flirting is the first step in any intimate relationship. This is what catches fire and creates the attraction. Most importantly, flirting defines a mans success with women. So, without further ado let's look at the top 5 flirting tips for men:

Flirting Tips # 1 - A physical connection that you need to communicate over the physical communication.

Flirting with physical communication is much more powerful than flirting through verbal communication. The first step is to touch / grab hand (no, not grabbing her..). You can do this by seeing something interesting and then grabbing her hand to get her attention and point it out.

Another easy way is when you are in a crowded scene and move somewhere else, grab the hand and take it instead of following. Palm reading also works. You can also playfully hit her hand away when she tries to grab something.

After you initiate the touch in a safe way, wait for her to touch you back. If she touches you back, then you are set to follow. If she doesn't, you might want to consider she is not ready for that and you need to back off a little. Finding safe men is one of the most important things to women. This is a sensitive issue, and if applied at the right time, you're good as Gold.

Flirting Tips #2 - Leave on a high - get her laughing

The most important part of a conversation is the same as the most important part of a speech, and that is the ending. The way to the end and feel that it is in the final, which takes a pass and makes the last impression on you.

It's the same thing as molding clay - you can mold clay however you want, but when you leave it, and it dries, that is what you have to remember it by.

For example, when you meet, do not finish by saying, "I will then see ya." You want to end off with her laughing.

So, say something like: "Yes, just try not embarrassing to me." or "Don't forget to paint your toe nails." She'll go away laughing in being in a happy mood.

Flirting Tips #3 - Qualify, Qualify, Qualify

Men have a huge problem with this. If we think a woman Purusha, it is to sell it see, it takes.
O, that doesn't work. In fact, it does the opposite and takes on the challenge and her desire to pursue you. Basically, we want what we can't have. Therefore be difficult to obtain from its classification.

Some ways to qualify is to ask her questions about something she is wearing or something she did or is doing, and then really listen to her response,"That's a cool necklace, did you get it traveling?"

Another great flirting tip when qualifying is to turn the tables by taking the role that women like to take,"So are you going to ask me out or what?" or "You didn't just tell me you liked hiking to get me to like you, did you?"

Just remember to always give your approval when interacting.

Flirting Tips #4 - This property is very simple and it works really well for flirting.

First understand that women search for tips on flirting with men 3 times more than men do. Is it because women want to flirt with men? No, it's because they do not know what to say when someone approaches. If you were to have something (a prop) to talk about, women would feel much more comfortable being approach by you.

Remember, when you talk, you can post a set, you can use to be flirty rather than shoot into the wind all the time. The most important thing about this flirting tip is that it breaks the ice and gets the conversation rolling.

Flirting Tips #5 - SMS Flirt | Flirting by text message, success with women is always easier for men.

Why? Because text messaging and sms text messages have become an integral part in everyday communication. This is a Mine gold for men!

It gives you time to get the right message (which also improves your flirting real world), and you can add more than one woman simultaneously interact to increase the probability. It's definitely a confidence builder. Much more important is that, the reductions to all attraction triggers that can normally work against you, such as clothes, smile, breath, hair, etc.. so all you're left with are words and timing.

Flirting has never been easier!

Once you find the right words at the right time, you can expect a lot of success with women. And since most men fail at flirting in texting, you will stand above the rest, and you'll see a lot of women responding desirably to you.

For more flirt tips and how to pick up ladies get Flirt Mastery complete eBook course below:

Click here - Get flirt tips and pick up ladies Now!

Happy flirting!

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